Monday, July 8, 2019

Post weekend update

Why is it so hot?  I mean, honestly.  Why does it feel like you're going to melt the moment you step outside?

I'd really like to move someplace it's 75 every day.  Does such place exist?

Anywho, this weekend was fun!  All things Stranger Things and hanging out with my girlies.  We had our usual Target/Starbucks trip before starting the fun.  (It's tradition that when we're together, we Target it up!)  I got some new pajamas that are super comfy.  We listened to 80's music and had Taco Bell (which was very retro though it's Taco Bell.)

We watched 4 episodes before breaking for a long trek to the mall and then pizza for dinner.  YUM!!  We watched 2 more episodes before crashing out into dreams about monsters and the upside down.  It was a lot of fun.  We had cookies too!  We never got around to eating our Eggo's but we had plenty of cookies, Coke and pizza to full us up!

Yesterday, I cleaned up my car and then lounged around with my kitties.  (After having a minor heat stroke from pulling a few things from my car and cleaning the windows.  It legit took me an hour to stop sweating)

I completed my reading challenge of 25 books!  That's exciting and made me feel really accomplished.  I've bumped it up for 50 for the year.  Let's see if I can do it!

I didn't lose any weight from last week but considering how much crap junk I ate over the weekend, that's okay.  I didn't gain either!  Holding steady at 8 pounds lost!!! I'll work on doing better this week.

I plan to clean more/purge this weekend.  It's almost too hot to be outside.  So spending the weekend purging and cleaning sounds good actually.  My goal is to work on my spare room.  Then I'll feel like I'm done.

Small goals.  My sister keeps harping (love you) on setting goals for myself so I've been doing that with my cleaning/purging, weight loss and reading challenge.  It feels REALLY good to cross things off my list.

I've also been packing my lunch (for work) and eating at home, to help with my money stuff.  That's a big goal with small steps right now.

I started doing something else that I'm a little embarrassed to talk about.  It seems silly to talk about and I've been getting a lot of strange looks from a few friends (mostly people at work that hear us talk about it.)  I've been prepping.

Does anyone else do this?  I've noticed over the past few weeks, it's become kind of an obsession of sorts.  The guys at work are really big into prepping and I guess a "girl" has joined the band wagon.  I have a small stash at home and I made a BOB (bug out bag) for my car.  It's more like an emergency kit in case I'm stranded somewhere.

I found a pod cast called Casual Preppers that is super informative and makes me feel less crazy.  I've listened to 4 shows so far and it feels like I'm on the right track.  I'll never be one of those people who has a underground bunker ( cool would that be?) or gas masks....but it makes me feel good to know that I'm preparing myself in case SHTF (shit hits the fan) or I need to be prepared for no power or whatever due to natural stuff.  The 2 earthquakes in California scared me to death (my good friend Yoda (that's my nickname for him), is fine!) and they say tornado valley is shifting again, more towards Ohio.  Which, I think we all can see that since Dayton was slammed so hard at the end of May.

Thoughts on this?  Does anyone else do this?  Any suggestions?  I'm really not crazy.  I promise. I would also like to point out that this is my friend Sarah Jo's fault.  She started this crazy train and I just purchased the ticket.

I feel good people.  For the first time in awhile.  I'm trying to ride this emotion for as long as I can.

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