Tuesday, April 9, 2019


I'm not sure how much of this has to do with my mental health but I was thinking about it this morning....

Does anyone else hoard items?  I'm not talking about hoarding to the point where you can't walk through your living room.  And maybe "hoard" isn't the right word but I feel like that's what I do.

This morning, I ran out of my primer (for my face) so I went to my stash and grabbed another bottle.  I saw that I grabbed the last bottle and made a mental note to myself to get more.

In my stash, this is number of items that I have duplicates of.  Such as; deodorant, primer, toothbrushes, setting spray, Cottenelle wipes, travel size items, etc.  This doesn't include that under my bathroom sink I have more duplicates of items like my foundation, shampoo/conditioner, hair gel, body wash, etc.

I thought about it on my way to work this morning.  I've never done without things I need, as long as I can remember.  Growing up, we may not have had everything we wanted but we had everything we need.  I never remember a time I didn't have toothpaste, or a toothbrush or soap.  As well as other things we needed.

I wonder sometimes if I'm just afraid.  I'm afraid of running out or not having what I need, when I need it.  Or, could this be some part of my mental illness.  (I need to post another blog about the term "mental illness")

I've never thought about me "hoarding" until now.  Maybe it's because I'm making changes to how I think and how I do things....that all the sudden I wondered if my "hoarding" is something else I do.

I think a lot of it is that I'm afraid I'll run out of things I consider essential.  It makes my anxiety really high if I don't have these things on hand.

It's not hurting anything.  And no one really knows I do this (except a friend made fun of me once for having about 5 toothbrushes in my stash).

Does anyone else do this?  PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one.  I'm curious to know any thoughts on this.  Am I making this a bigger deal in my head?  Please tell me!  :)


  1. I almost always have back ups, especially my favorite things. Either I find a good deal or a company starts to discontinue it (I'm looking at you Physicians Formula...). I think there is comfort in knowing you have those things around. Some of them are self care for me too. Nicer versions of things that I just prefer :)

  2. Thank GOD for Sam's club. I always have some sort of bundle sets of deodorant, soap, toothbrushes, etc... so I'm right with ya there.. Don't know what primer is (thank you for clearing that up, because I first I thought it was primer for the wall)

    1. BAHAHAHA! That's why I put that it was for my face! It's to help my make up stay on longer. I almost put some self deprecating comment here but I refrained. :)

  3. I kinda don't but kinda do? I dunno? Hahaha! I usually buy the twin pack of deodorant so that I always have an extra when the one runs out. I buy enormous sizes of things but not necessarily multiples, if that makes sense? I'll buy the huge jumbo body wash with the pump so it lasts longer and I buy TP and paper towels at Costco so it feels like what I have lasts longer. I've recently begun stockpiling water and need to work on non-pershible foods for hurricane season. Other than those things, I don't really hoard but I do see your reasoning behind it!

    1. Also, I don't think your level of "hoarding" seems out of control or manic in anyway (to me, the layperson who knows nothing of any of this) and in fact, seems very smart. ;)
