I started my "victory" journal. Blah. It felt....weird and kind of lame to write stuff down. But I did!
Onyx let me cut some mats off his back (Onyx is my cat...and he's just ....big boned) and let me brush him. This is HUGE. He's so anxious and scared. He stood patiently and let me do this yesterday while I told him what a good boy he was. He only bit (at me) once and I think it's because I pulled a little too hard. This was a HUGE win for me. Of course, now he looks like his hair is falling out because he's got big bald spots on his back but it has to be better then the mats that he had.
Both cats are losing weight as well. We've cut down on treats (don't judge me) and I have changed their food.
Last week, I went to the dentist. It only took one Xanax and a few text messages with a friend to get me to go. I only cried ONCE while I was there! I didn't sob the entire visit which is another huge win. Turns out (some bad news though), I do have gum disease. (Full transparency.) My gums bleed horribly and I have some recession in my gum line. (It's bad folks.) But, they gave me some prescription toothpaste/mouth wash (which I picked up yesterday) and I go back in a month. I also need to get a better water pik but I don't have the money for that right now. It'll be a slow process. I'm just proud of myself for going and getting things started.
I started Weight Watchers as soon as I got home from FL. I saw pictures of myself and I was very unhappy. So, it's time to change. I've lost 4 pounds! YAY!!!
I'm still pretty down and discouraged. I'm working to get myself out of it. I don't like being like this. I don't like feeling like this. I'm really trying. I just get really tired of trying.
That's my update for now. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I go back to FL this weekend for my nephews birthday. Maybe another get away will perk me up?
Thanks for reading.
I love you Susan!! I'm rooting for you 💯 of the way!